This blog is about answers.
I think that many young dancers are hungry for more information about contact improvisation. However, much existing information is poorly accessible, poorly organized, or poorly written.
There’s a lot of great information on the Web about how to find jams. But there’s not a lot of great information on answering basic, basic questions about contact improvisation that pop up over and over again, and which can be hard to ask at a jam — or hard to know to ask. Questions like: How can I dance more gracefully? How do people do those lifts? What exactly am I supposed to be doing? How do I get better? Why doesn’t ___ dance with me? And the classic: what do I do if I get an erection while dancing?
This blog is about answers. Ask those questions, get a reasoned, thought-out, detailed (though certainly opinionated) response.
Why not this blog? It is wonderful to have a repository of thoughts, nodes and nexus on CI.
Many thanks!
Aw, thanks!
I read these questions and recalled an article by Joerg Hassmann. It might give some insights to people asking).
Should we keep prodding you with our erections?
Holy crap. :) Sure, keep prodding me about erections.
i have to say i am really curious to read that erection piece. are you going to write it? (:
Sigh. Yes, I really should. Some day. Feel free to keep prodding me.
I am trying to use your blog as a reference for a paper, is there any way you would be able to tell me the author’s full name? Along with the original publication date because I cannot seem to find either on here
I’ve gotten a few of these kinds of requests.
In essence, the citation information available to you on this blog is consistent with standard Web publication formats. There’s no additional information that should be needed in order to cite it.
I have the classic question; what if I get an erection while dancing?