CI events, spring 2015

Spring in the northeastern part of North America brings a trickle of CI events, though April is pretty quiet.

Here’s the latest:

  1. Sunday, March 15, Northampton: Winter Underscore. I think the location is secret because there’s limited participation — you need to e-mail Patrick Crowley at the preceding link to find out where.
  2. Thursday, March 19 to Sunday, March 22, Earthdance: Earthdance hosts its annual Spring Equinox jam. Four days in Western Massachusetts to dance. Along with the October Falling Leaves jam, this is one of the smaller two Earthdance jams. (The bigger jams are the July 4 jam and the New Year’s Jam.) This jam is distinct for being right after CI Ground Research, a gathering of experienced CI dancers to practice and refine their skills and experiment with new techniques and ideas. This means there will probably be a fairly high level of dancing for the size of the jam.
  3. Wednesdays in April (April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29), New York City: I’ll be hosting/facilitating the Wednesday night lab at 100 Grand Dance. The working title is “Risk-Taking and all of the Fun Stuff” — focusing on risk-taking and teaching each other or figuring out with each other interesting and challenging skills. NOT for beginners, dancers who are unable to take care of themselves will be turned away. More details on that to come — watch this blog.
  4. Saturday, May 16 to Monday, May 18, Toronto: Ontario Regional Jam.
  5. Friday, May 22 to Sunday, May 24, Boston: Boston May Jam. Schedule TBA.


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