Hi all,
Chisa who’s on the Earthdance Board and Contact Improvisation Committee asked me to post something on my blog about the upcoming Catherine Lessard workshop and Spring Equinox Jam there.
For those of you who don’t know, Earthdance is a retreat center in Western Massachusetts that might be considered the spiritual home of contact improvisation. Earthdance hosts a number of contact improvisation events throughout the year, including four big jams.
One of those jams is coming up next week, from Thursday, March 21 to Sunday, March 24. And there’s a special deal: starting this Thursday, March 14 to Sunday, March 17, Catherine Lessard from Canada is teaching an intensive workshop at Earthdance. Earthdance is now giving 15% off the workshop, and a special of only $200 for the full workshop for students with a college ID. That includes lodging and food (as does the Spring Equinox Jam).
Then if you want to stay over between the workshop and the jam (which is four nights), you can stay at a rate of $35/night, and be charged for only three nights (that’s $105 total). Again, that includes meals.
I think Earthdance is trying to target college students on spring break. It sounds like a fun thing to do for any young beginning to intermediate contact dancer.
Much more information and registration at http://earthdance.net/calendar/2013/03/engaged-body-free-body (workshop) and http://earthdance.net/calendar/2013/03/spring-equinox-jam (jam).
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks for your write up, Richard! Join us up at Earthdance next time! Cheers, CH