Three-week course: Contact Improvisation: Weight-Sharing & L.A. Style! [4/5, 4/12, 4/19]

I am teaching a three-week contact course in New York City.

It will run the first three Thursdays of April, April 5, 12, and 19, 8pm to 10pm each night, with an optional bonus session on April 12, 10pm to 11pm. It’s at City Life Wellness in Brooklyn, 75 Frost Street (thanks to Jesse Johnson for the connection and for encouraging me to teach).

It will be a fairly detailed introduction to my personal philosophies on contact improvisation and my personal style of dance, which has most strongly been influenced by the Los Angeles CI community where I first started dancing. It will be a very physically-focused class — not necessarily physically strenuous, but paying a lot of attention how your body works in relationship to another body, to gravity, to balance, to momentum, etc.

Classes will be progressive — that is, they build on each other. I start from the very basics, with no prior experience in CI assumed.

More details on the Facebook invite: [removed].

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