Two more Tuesdays of “Rigorous Basics” in December

So I’ve taught two Tuesdays this month at 100 Grand Street in NYC, and all has gone well. There were handouts!

I’m teaching two more Tuesdays before the end of the year, on Tuesday, December 19, and Tuesday, December 26, from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. This is the Tuesday night “Contact Improvisation Basics” series in NYC, with monthly rotating teachers—I hand off to Julianne Cariño in January.

I’ve been calling my month of classes “Rigorous Basics.” The idea is to take a detailed, systematic approach to CI basics. “Rigorous” doesn’t mean physically strenuous. But it does mean relatively information-dense, and detailed. My hope is to give you something in each class that’s coherent and fits into a larger system, rather than a set of different ideas that you need to integrate on your own. And there will be hand-outs.

These are drop-in classes, but there is a progression for folks who have been following along.

  1. Tuesday, December 6: Falling and weight-sharing
  2. Tuesday, December 13: Rolling point of contact
  3. Tuesday, December 20: Floor work and surfing
  4. Tuesday, December 27: Students’ choice (based on Week 3).

Explanation of “Students’ choice” in Week 4: I think at the end of the Week 3 class, we’ll have a discussion/vote on what topic(s) to cover in Week 4. I know it can be hard to get particular learning needs addressed in CI, so I wanted to let the group have some input into Week 4’s plan. Of course, some folks attending Week 3 won’t show up to Week 4, and vice versa. So I’ll try to manage that in a fair way, and also make sure the class topics still fall within “Basics” and are appropriate to relatively new dancers.

One note: due to the spike in Covid cases in NYC and holiday travel, masks will be mandatory for the next two weeks, in addition to the pre-existing vaccination requirement.

Some details:

WHO: Richard Kim (me)
WHAT: Teaching “Rigorous Basics” contact improvisation classes. Drop-in classes, 2 hours each
WHERE: 100 Grand Dance, 100 Grand St (second floor), Manhattan (SoHo), NYC
WHEN: Tuesday nights, December 20 (“Floor work and surfing”), and December 27 (“Students’ choice”). 6:30pm-8:30pm each time.
COST: $20 at the door, cash or Venmo.


  • Buzz “Bill Young 2F” at the door to get in, go past the elevator, through the doors, and up the staircase to get up to the second-floor landing.
  • Vaccinations and masks are required.
  • These are Basics classes, so are meant to be appropriate for those new to contact improvisation, although any level of experience is welcome.
  • If you’d like to take class for free, I think you can volunteer to handle the door or other administrative duties. Ask me for more information.

Hope to see you there!

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